Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quantum of Solace, Dostana

It was my first movie theatre experience in the states yesterday. After months of dwelling as to whether spend so much on the entertainment, me and my friends decided that we indeed needed a change a. la. Obama and then the change did come to Westshire. Hehehe. So we thought to wait for the new Bond movie to be released in the states which was released one week earlier in India.(OK that was surprising!!)

If people were expecting that after the Casino Royale humanisation of Bond, the producers might take back Bond to the pedestal of invincibility, then they would be disappointed. James Bond is more human and more vulnerable in this movie and that is why I liked it. He makes mistakes, gets his tuxedo dirty, gets his aston martin all crushed, gets hit hard, gets a bloody nose.....unlike the previous Bonds, where you would need a lens to find a speck of dirt on his suit. The action sequences are simply awesome and worth a balcony ticket in the theatre. I enjoyed Craig's performance though his role demanded not many expressions. Bond babe-Olga has quite a meaty role in the action sequences - again a shift from the previous bond movies. The other babe has almost a non-existent role. Overall worth a spend. Caution: Watching this movie from the front rows might make you a zombie after you come out.:)

We came home and decided to watch Dostana - OMG why did we do that? The movie sucks. If you want to see how even a rock can have more expressions then humans-Bobby 'dagad' deol and Johny boy, watch this film. We had a laugh riot not because of any of the jokes but just because of how stupid a movie can be. Apparently it is a copy, albeit a pretty bad one. A few scenes have been picked up from F.R.I.E.N.D.S Typical KJo movie, all exotic locations, targetted towards the NRI audience, with all the actors, faking a US accent. Dunno why they do that?WATCH THIS MOVIE AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Mohsin said...

I agree abt the 'more human Bond' thing..
btw Dostana reviews here are mixed, I guess I should at least not watch it alone.. [with junta I even enjoyed this one :p]

Charuta said...

Grt to know that you had a good time outside..i can relate to how these outings can act as a much needed break there, we dont realise this here, when watching movies/going out is no big deal.

I agree to with the humanisation, n it is seen for all superheroes besides Bond, i enjoyed the first couple of such movies, but now give me back the pop-corn stuff.."life is alrdy too "human" :-)

vivek said...

Oooh yeah, we had started watching heroes.....but we just didnt finish it. Instead watched EMI, Fashion etc etc hehehe. Waise i think Dostana review mixed? wow i would like to meet that fella who actually had a laugh riot in dostana. We had a laugh riot too albeit in a different sense.........hihihihi

vivek said...

@Charuta....Hehehe yep true lyf already is too human, but I like my superhero gettin hit, fallin down and then rise up, dust his suit and go at it again. Mebbe gives me some kinda hope :) Could be livin in a fool's paradise and having a false hope. But having a false hope is better than having no hope at all :)

Well, back home, movies, outing, i took it all for granted.......Oh i want my days back....:(

Joydeep Das said...

Hello Vivek,

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