Sunday, October 04, 2009

Hey! that is so true!!

Thats the statement I have been saying after reading this. One part of masters lifestyle is sitting in front of a laptop or a computer for 16 hours in a day, the rest 8 is when you sleep. Practically eat, sleep and drink this 'networking potion' that has started making me 'digi'. Now, the term email has transformed from 'something that you check once in 24 hours' to 'something that you check 24 times in a minute'. Not just email, but other social networking idiotic sites have pulled me into their web and they are consuming me. I feel like suffering from an OCD. I feel depressed when I don't see my email count increase, and even more when I see some faaltu emails. I feel like I have been cheated by the mail server. Am I becoming a loner or am I becoming some sort of geeky maniac for whom the sight of several unread emails is soothing to say the least.

Anyways, I keep digressing. I found the analogy between the mail-checking and gambling really apt. Some people put it down in writing so well. I used to wonder and laugh at my constant mail-checking behaviour and when I read this...I said !! That is so damn true and that is exactly how I behave. In the recent past, I have read a few things where I felt the same way. Is there a word for this? This 'A-ha' feeling where your thoughts are translated into words by someone else and when you read it, you feel this is so true man. There should be a word for it, if not....someone should invent it.

I guess xkcd has a bunch of such strips where one goes...TIST...for now will call it Tist.:)


emanish said...


prathamesh said...

so true...