Saturday, December 15, 2007

Oh man, so near yet so faaaaaar..........

Yeah, we met through a common friend. I must express my gratitude to him. It was definately love at first sight. I looked and admired her like a car enthusiast admiring a ferrari. A bit dazzled by her beauty, by her looks and then she was in my arms, in my hands. Oh boy, what a feeling it was. Yes, God must have taken ages to carve her out. In the black darkness of the night, she shone like a star. She was in a black dress, all quiet and reserved. I had to make the first move for sure. A single touch was all needed for her to open up and did she open up or what. Like a small child, who opens his eyes to the lightest of touch, a smile lit her face, so bright, that all other things around her faded into darkness. It was my dream to see her, but I never imagined that she would be in my hands. All the right curves, right shape and .....she could fit inside a pocket pocket? Yeah the I-Phone, Apple's I-phone, Apple I Phone it was and what a piece of technology it is. Watching the features and the demos on TV is one thing but experiencing its super cool features in hand is 100 times more exciting. Great work by the Apple team. Hats off for thinking and then producing such magic. I wish i would own it someday..............

Someday someway together we'll be baby, I will take n you will take your time..........................


Mohsin said...

agate iphone ghya mag KHARYA pori pan milatil :-)

vivek said...

@paishe de, sadhya bekkar kadaki chalu ahe ani chalu raahnaar, atleast for the next two years.

Ashwin said...

what an anticlimax....

vivek said...
