Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunday Morning musings

As I lay in bed, half asleep, trying hard to catch back the dream that just flew by, I heard a faint mellifluous voice. It was a feminine voice saying words I had heard a long time back - "नमश्कार, रंगोली में आपका स्वागत है" ( The श in नमश्कार, very deliberate) 'Sunday morning!' screamed some brain cell, waking up a few more 'reluctant to wake' brain cells. People from the 'Uni-channel generation' know what a Uni-channel is and what a 'Sunday Morning' (SM) is. It is a special day that evokes feelings and memories that lie so deeply entrenched in the brain that people might forget everything, but not the Sunday mornings and the DD schedules. I cannot remember any modern day sitcom as distinctly and vividly as the SM sitcoms. The rangolis, mahabharatas, ramayanas, jungle books, duck tales, talespins....the list goes on and on. The one day, when morning ablutions would be squeezed in during the commercial breaks. The one day, when animated serials were rationed like essential goods, the one day when watching TV was not a vice, but a virtue indeed. The one day, when watching TV was enforced by the folks in the hopes of imparting some moral values. As my mind started to relapse into a bygone era, a faint Asha Bhonsle melody stopped the relapse. She sang "आगे भी जाने न तू, पीछे भी जाने न तू, जो भी है बस येही एक पल है....." Well played universe, very well played. The Sunday Morning was over....infact a long time back.

(Beautiful Lyrics)


Charuta said...

hmmm..full on nostalagia..sigh..life was simpler n much more beautiful then :) Grt post!!

vivek said...

indeed, those days were so simple.:)

Ashwin said...

gr8 post! :)
It also reminded me of the Sunday morning feast -- idli sambhar or kanda-pohe w/ tea at least ;)
Those were the days..!

vivek said...

Thx Ashwin, very true about the feast!

Bread used to be a luxury item that could only be savored on a Sunday for us. :)